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سلمى سعيد الزيودي للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية

أحد أفضل مكاتب المحاماة والاستشارات القانونية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

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5 Important factors for choosing the best lawyer

أفضل محامي

Table of Contents

5 important factors for choosing the best lawyer

Sometimes some people may need some legal assistance and hence their need to access the best lawyer to help them.

If you happen to be one of them, you will no doubt spend a little or a lot of effort to get the best lawyer.

And when this requirement is fulfilled for you, you will always need this lawyer to be at your disposal to meet all the required legal aspects for you.

In fact, choosing the best lawyer is just like choosing the best doctor.

From our point of view, there are 5 important factors for choosing the best lawyer that you must take, in order, as follows:

1- The first step

The first step begins when you need legal assistance as a result of a problem or any incident that you may be exposed to for one reason or another.

At this point, you will be required to find a good lawyer to solve your case. What is important is not getting the best lawyer, but more importantly the specialization of this lawyer.

For example: If your case is related to a financial compensation claim, you need the best compensation attorney. But if your case is related to drug cases, then you are undoubtedly in dire need of the best drug lawyer.

Whether your case is related to marriage, divorce or alimony, you are here in need of the best Sharia lawyer. And so on …

Who is the best lawyer?

What is meant by the foregoing is that the best lawyer is not necessarily the one who has experience in all branches of law. But the best lawyer for you or others is one who has specialization and experience in one of the branches of law related to your case to defend you.

In the context of this meaning, we can compare a good lawyer with a good doctor. When a person becomes visually impaired, he will go to an ophthalmologist. It is not right for this patient to go to the ear, nose and throat doctor, for example.

We conclude from this that no doctor can deal with all medical branches.

Thus not every lawyer can handle all arms of the law.

Determine the best attorney

Now we can say that the picture has become clear to you for choosing the best specialized lawyer to defend your case according to your current circumstances.

There is nothing left in this step but to go to open a legal hotline to determine the best suitable lawyer for you.

Of course, your choice will focus on one of the specialized lawyers who will meet all the legal aspects required for your case.

2. Academic certificates for lawyers

Who among us is not proud of obtaining scientific degrees or any certificate of appreciation that he might obtain and wanted to hang it in his office for all to see.

When you visit a lawyer’s office, you may notice that there is a graduation certificate or other certificates he obtained.

These testimonies are undoubtedly a source of pride for their owner, so he is keen to display them in the best location on which the eyes fall.

The purpose here is to present this example as a warning not to over-scrutinize the reputation of the college from which the lawyer graduated.

Although this is important in giving a good idea of the lawyer and his legal capabilities that support your choice of him.

The best lawyers

The fact of the matter is that some or many of the best lawyers have obtained degrees from not very famous colleges.

Therefore, do not judge any lawyer as the best because he obtained his academic qualification from a famous college.

It is only necessary to ensure the eligibility of the lawyer by obtaining the educational qualification necessary to practice the legal profession and that he has already joined the Bar Association.

The best lawyers are those who have the practical experience and legal specialization that is useful in solving the problems and issues of their clients.

Therefore, do not ever pay attention to the large number of testimonies hanging on the wall of the lawyer’s office and distract you from making sure that you have chosen your lawyer.

3. Provide a good relationship with the lawyer

It is essential to have a good relationship with the lawyer who will be defending you and who will help you resolve your case. If this good relationship is not available between you, things will be difficult for yourself.

Of course, there must be ease of communication of all kinds, and a sense of comfort for each party to the other. This will help you communicate facts, vital statistics and information easily and easily to your attorney.

Also, your lawyer must ask a large number of questions and get to the bottom of the matter. So make sure that you are comfortable with each other and that you are friendly and have a good relationship.

Having a sufficient number of employees

In addition to the above, you may want to verify that this law firm has sufficient staff to support your case. From time to time you will need to call back the office staff to get certain answers.

Remember that you will not be able to communicate all the time with your lawyer because he naturally has other clients than you.

So it is very important to find someone you can communicate with in the lawyer’s office at all times without interruption.

4. Public speaking skill

Most lawyers are experts at flexing their verbal muscles, so you need to be certain of your attorney’s public speaking skill.

If you are waiting for a verdict in your case, the best fit for you is a lawyer who speaks boldly and courageously with authority.

This type of lawyer, who is characterized by confident and bold rhetoric in defense cases, is the best for fighting fierce battles with the prosecution.

Besides, these lawyers must be likable and trustworthy enough to convince the court of their clients’ demands.

The importance of a good lawyer

The importance of a good lawyer lies in his ability to put your mind at ease while consulting with him through an effective dialogue to develop all legal solutions.

This is because trial processes are complex issues that require experience and flexibility in dealing with their ongoing changes.

The importance of a good lawyer increases in his ability to activate an uninterrupted relationship of friendship and psychological comfort with his client.

Therefore, it is very important that you put your lawyer in control of your legal affairs and do everything he asks of you with open arms and confidence.

5. In return for attorney's fees

One of the most important factors for choosing the best attorney is the way you will be paid for the attorney’s fees. A client who has fallen into legal trouble is often in a state of despair and distress.

As a result, the client often agrees to pay the attorney fees required of him after consulting him.

In fact, this method is completely wrong and should be stopped a lot before getting involved in agreeing to pay the attorney’s fees.

You should slow down and consider whether or not you can afford these costs. What are the payment options and methods required and available to you.

Will the law firm accept these payments? How much will it cost to run an agency for a lawyer and other expenses and petty cash.

Keep options open

In the end, these important questions should be clear before your eyes while keeping all options open.

In no case should you waste your time and leave the lawyer’s office feeling defeated.

If you cannot afford the costs of attorney fees and legal services that will be provided to you.

The lawyer’s office may refer you to another qualified and reliable legal advisor who will meet your requests with flexibility that matches your financial capabilities.

Always keep your options open.


This article addresses 5 important factors for choosing the best lawyer. Among the most important of these factors:

First: Make sure to choose a lawyer who specializes in one of the branches of law that are directly related to the same type of your case.

Second: Ensure that the lawyer is qualified and free of problems.

Third: Provide a good relationship between you and your lawyer.

Fourth: Ensuring the lawyer’s ability to deliver effective rhetoric before the authorities.

Finally: Find out the amount of the lawyer’s fees before agreeing with him to arrange your financial affairs with him.

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