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سلمى سعيد الزيودي للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية

أحد أفضل مكاتب المحاماة والاستشارات القانونية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

عزيزي الزائر .. نحن نهتم بأمرك .. دعنا نساعدك باستشارة قانونية مجانية قد تسهم في حل قضيتك المعقدة

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Best Drug Cases Lawyer

If this is your first visit to our site and you are in need of the best drug cases lawyer for your defense then you are in the right place. We do not claim to be the best drug attorney firm out of the blue because we are truly one of the best drug law firms. Don’t go away if you are in real trouble and accused of a drug crime and need the best drug lawyer in UAE to defend you. Contact us now!

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Contact the best drug lawyer

Drug Crimes

Drug crimes vary between possession, abuse, trafficking and transportation, and it is important to consult a qualified drug lawyer in this regard. And due to our long experience, we spare no effort in helping you if you need the best drug lawyer to take over your defense. Whatever the complexity and difficulty of your case, be sure that Salma Saeed Al-Zeyoudi’s office is the best lawyer’s office that can stand with you.

We guarantee you the best legal representation in drug cases of all kinds, regardless of their degree of difficulty and complexity.

Types of drug crimes

As we mentioned, drug crimes vary between possession, abuse, trafficking and transportation, and each type can be clarified separately as follows:

First: Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is taking a drug in excess or in a way that harms the user and may cause harm to others. The abuser may show anti-social behavior at times when he is under the influence of drugs. With the continuation of drug use for long periods, physical damage may occur, in addition to the occurrence of social and psychological damage.

Of course, the danger of drug use will not stop there, because there are laws that impose strict criminal penalties on drug users. These criminal penalties for drug users vary according to the laws of the country or region in which the drug is used. Drug users should resort to a drug lawyer with experience and knowledge of such cases to defend and protect him.

Second: Drug Possession

Possession of drugs is the extension of influence and authority of the person in possession of the drug with his knowledge and will, even if it is not in his actual possession. This means that drug possession is actually within the reach of the possessor or another person for the purpose of possessing the drug.

Drug possession is often associated with drug dealing, and the association makes a lot of sense. Where the drug dealer is required to be in possession of the narcotics that he sells. Normally, when a person is arrested in possession of drugs, they will be charged with drug possession with intent to traffic. This is despite the fact that this possession of drugs is not for the purpose of trafficking, but rather for personal use only.

Here we note that there is an apparent difference between the de facto situation, which is possession of drugs for personal use, and the accusation of possession of drugs for the purpose of trafficking.

Being charged with drug offenses can be very dangerous and you should be aware of the importance of hiring an experienced drug lawyer to defend you. Choosing a professional lawyer with competence and experience in drug cases is of the utmost importance to not getting involved in serious charges.

Third: The Drug Trade

Drug dealing or drug trafficking is a felony and a serious crime that United Arab Emirates faces with all force and firmness. And the matter does not stop at that, as UAE certainly fights all crimes of all kinds with firmness, strength and deterrence. The matter may be somewhat different in drug trafficking cases due to the seriousness of this matter for the individual and society as a whole.

Accordingly, the penalty for drug trafficking is a very harsh punishment that may reach life imprisonment. The penalty for drug trafficking may reach the death penalty if the drug dealer has a previous conviction.

Types of Drugs

Unfortunately, there are some types of drugs and narcotics that are circulated and trafficked, and they can be mentioned as follows:

1. Hashish

Hashish is the most prevalent among the various types of drugs, with a rate of abuse of 51%.

2. Heroin:

While hashish occupies the first place in the drug trade, heroin comes first, with a rate of abuse of 41%.

3. Tramadol:

Tramadol is considered a drug, and statistics indicate the spread of Tramadol addiction in a frightening way among some different groups of society. Therefore, controls have been put in place for the sale of Tramadol through specific prescriptions.

4. Crystal meth or ashes:

Crystal meth or shabu is one of the widespread drugs that have been the cause of many crimes.

5. Some drugs that lead to addiction:

There are some drugs that lead to addiction, such as Lyrica, Gabapentin, Liroline, and other therapeutic drugs. These drugs deal with the central nervous system and lead to addiction. It has been noted that there is a significant increase in its abuse until it was recently included under the schedule of drugs.

As is the case in cases of drug abuse or drug possession, it is very important to hire an experienced criminal drug lawyer. As we mentioned, the penalties associated with drug trafficking are harsh penalties, up to life imprisonment or the death penalty. Therefore, hiring the right lawyer is very important because he will seek to obtain the best possible outcome for his client.

Fourth: Transportation of drugs

Drug transportation is a crime that faces multiple penalties that vary according to the type and classification of the transported narcotics. The geographical location and the amount of narcotics transported factor in determining the penalties imposed against drug transportation.

In view of the seriousness of the crime of drug transportation for the perpetrators, UAE is dealing with this crime with full force and firmness. Drug transfers can often lead to other crimes such as fights and assaults on others.

This may lead, of course, to the occurrence of undesirable consequences, which may lead in most cases to death. Therefore, the crime of drug transportation necessitated severe penalties for the accused to deter anyone who begged himself to commit such a serious crime.

Salma Al-Zeyoudi Office (your perfect choice for the best drug lawyer)

Being charged with a drug offense is a serious matter of your liberty that can lead to imprisonment, a fine or deportation. In some cases, it may lead to even more severe penalties, including life imprisonment or the death penalty.

Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us in all cases in which you are accused or investigated in a drug case.

We will answer all your questions and provide you with a free initial consultation to assess your situation and advise you on what to do.

We have experience, competence, and familiarity with the laws and regulations of the United Arab Emirates, which we put in place to serve you and obtain your legitimate rights.

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We welcome you at all times

Finally: Remember that drug crimes are serious crimes that threaten the security, safety and health of the individual and society. Drug crimes also result in the spread of corruption and the collapse of values and morals among the various segments of society, especially the most important category, which is the youth. For this reason, many countries in the world have tightened the sanctions to confront this imminent danger that leads the individual and society to destruction. Of course, United Arab Emirates attaches great importance and confronts drug crimes with force and firmness to the safety and security of all.