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سلمى سعيد الزيودي للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية

أحد أفضل مكاتب المحاماة والاستشارات القانونية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

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The best 8 tips for choosing the best lawyer

أفضل محامي

Table of Contents

The best 8 tips for choosing the best lawyer

Before we give the besr 8 tips for choosing the best lawyer: We assume that you, God forbid, have fallen into a problem or a case.

For example: a divorce case, drugs, compensation, you have been accused of a crime, or the like. In these cases, you will need a good civil lawyer to defend you or file a lawsuit to obtain your rights.

There is no doubt that you will rush with all force to search for the best lawyer in various ways and means.

1. Arrange your steps to choose the best lawyer

One of the important things that you must do is arrange the steps of choosing the best lawyer to help you to ensure that things go well.

Also, to ensure that you get a kind of peace of mind and reassurance to face your legal problems without complication and to provide many effective solutions.

2. Estimate the fees of a good attorney

Admittedly, a good lawyer’s fee is no small feat. The cost of hiring the best attorney for your case is often quite expensive. But it is also certain that you will do everything in order to get access to the best lawyer and then save for his fees.

This is due to the importance and seriousness of the case that seeks to reach a legal solution to it, and the importance of a good lawyer assuming the reins of that case.

And here you must, once you reach the best lawyer, negotiate with him about the value of the fees that he will ask you. The importance of this step is in order to balance your financial affairs and whether you will be able to pay the value of these fees.

If the financial issues related to your ability to pay the attorney’s fees become complicated, you should not stop. You should look for another lawyer with good specifications and reasonable costs that you can fully pay.

You should also not despair and repeat the attempt to reach the best lawyer to solve your case with the ease of paying costs for legal fees.

3. Choose an attorney who specializes in your case

There is no doubt that your success in choosing a lawyer who specializes in your case is very important and serves your case directly. Of course, there are many types of lawyers who deal with the various and varied cases of their clients, for example there are:

  • Criminal lawyer.
  • Civil lawyer.
  • Drug lawyer.
  • Corporate lawyer.
  • Personal injury lawyer.
  • Compensation attorney.
  • Divorce lawyer.
  • Personal status lawyer.
  • Legal cases lawyer.
  • Attorney for cases of financial trading companies (Forex).

Of course, if your case is related to a family problem, divorce, or alimony, for example, you will definitely not hire a criminal lawyer. In this case, you will go to appoint a personal status lawyer, or a lawyer for Sharia cases.

And if you are in need of a civil lawyer, you certainly will not hire any lawyer who does not have experience in this. This is the common sense in choosing a specialized lawyer for your case to ensure that there are the necessary legal solutions to solve any particular case.

4. Choose an experienced attorney in his specialty

When you decide to choose a specialized lawyer for your case, be sure to know and explore the extent of this lawyer’s experience in his specialty.

Knowing how many actual cases a lawyer has won and obtained favorable judgments in favor of his clients is very important. Because this indicates the lawyer’s experience and his ability to successfully manage the judicial affairs of his clients.

Accordingly, the lawyer should be discussed or at least asked to know the lawyer’s experience and the number of important cases he succeeded in.

If you discover that the lawyer you intend to hire to help you has appeared in court only a few times, you should avoid him. Or that he does not have a large percentage of winning those cases entrusted to him in the past.

At that point, you must move to search for another lawyer who has the characteristics of experience and specialization that will benefit you. You are certainly not willing to lose your case.

5. Make a list of several attorney candidates

There is a huge benefit to you having an interview with the nominated attorney who will handle your case. So you have to make a list of several lawyer candidates to choose the best suitable lawyer.

Include their qualifications and experience in your list, and then schedule a one-on-one meeting to discuss your case.

This will undoubtedly help you to know the appropriate lawyer who meets the conditions required to serve your case. Because you will be surprised that among these lawyers candidates are not qualified or willing to help you.

In this case, you will save yourself a lot of wasted time and frustration. You will also feel the value of this step and the psychological comfort of your own investigation by choosing the best lawyer who can help you.

6. Make sure to choose a lawyer with a personality that is acceptable to you

It goes without saying that every owner of a profession or craft is fully aware of what tools he uses in order to successfully practice his work. Therefore, most lawyers are fully aware of the role that can be played in order to accept a case that they can handle.

If the lawyer is not qualified to represent you in what you offered him, he will most likely tell you that, and the matter will end there.

This method is very useful and you can measure it to get to know a lawyer with an acceptable personality with whom you feel responsive and flexible in dealing.

You must take this point into consideration in order to ensure good communication with the lawyer. Simply because if you don’t feel comfortable working with a lawyer, you won’t trust them to handle your case well.

7. Expect how much you pay for attorney services?

How much do you expect to pay for a lawyer’s services? Well, it depends on the type of case. There are many lawyers who charge by the hour. For complex cases, corporate lawyers can charge more than $1,000 per hour of their time.

This value may seem like a very large financial figure, and if it is indicative, it indicates the severity of the difficulty of the case that this lawyer deals with.

Likewise the best drug lawyer or the best criminal attorney can get such sums from their clients.

Accordingly, you can estimate the criminal case attorney’s fees to be at least a few thousand dollars for accepting a criminal case. Others require attorneys as little as a few thousand in advance to start a case.

Then they come back for at least $200 to $500 an hour or more. It all depends on the complexity of the case and the charges you are facing.

In some areas, attorneys are generally required to do a set number of “pro bono” cases each year. This means that the customer does not incur any fees, usually for a customer who is unable to pay anything.

These cases are usually related to family and personal status law. Because the criminal court system has the Public Defender’s Office, which in turn deals with those accused of a crime who cannot pay.

8. Be prepared to find the best attorney

In conclusion, there are many things to think about when choosing the best attorney. So you must gather as much information about your case first before you start looking for the best attorney.

Find out online about the best lawyers in your area, and make a list that might be suitable for your purpose. Then set out to meet them one by one if possible, ending with identifying and choosing the best lawyer to handle your case.

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