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سلمى سعيد الزيودي للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية

أحد أفضل مكاتب المحاماة والاستشارات القانونية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

عزيزي الزائر .. نحن نهتم بأمرك .. دعنا نساعدك باستشارة قانونية مجانية قد تسهم في حل قضيتك المعقدة

املأ هذا النموذج .. سنتواصل معك فقط خلال دقائق أثناء فترة الدوام الرسمي .. ستجد كل الدعم والترحاب

سياسة استرداد النقود

  • Always and forever the (Best lawyer office in UAE) seeks in all possible ways and means to gain the respect and satisfaction of its valued clients.
  • In the event of any problem with your application, please contact customer service at the e-mail info@lawyer-salma.com or through the means of communication spread through this website so that the (Best lawyer office in UAE) can solve it as quickly as possible.
  • The fees for the services provided by the (Best lawyer office in UAE) are paid in advance. The client is not entitled to request a refund of the fees or money paid without a valid reason related to the failure of the (Best lawyer office in UAE) to carry out its duty to complete the service or transaction entrusted to it by the client.
  • The service fee is refunded to the client in the event that he submits evidence proving the negligence of the (Best lawyer office in UAE) website in carrying out his work tasks. Otherwise, the client is not entitled to claim a refund of any fees or sums of money that he paid for any of the services of the (Best lawyer office in UAE) website.
  • Any defect, misuse, or the like on the part of the client of the completed transaction, the consequences of which are the responsibility of the client alone, and the (Best lawyer office in UAE) site bears no responsibility for that.